League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #213 - Happy New Year (Unless you Paid Rent)
Clay and Dursin kick off 2015 with reviews of our Christmas gifts, some Robin Hood: Outlaw of the 21st Century news and why Boston winters suck.
Read MoreClay and Dursin kick off 2015 with reviews of our Christmas gifts, some Robin Hood: Outlaw of the 21st Century news and why Boston winters suck.
Read MoreJosh, Clay and Dursin reflect on the many changes in comics/the world since they started this endeavor in 2008. Some light holiday listening! Happy holidays and Thanks to you!!!
Read MoreClay and Tim Kelly (Late Riser's Club, WMBR) talk with Tom Scharpling about the return of The Best Show!
The Best Of The Best Show (Ships March 2015)
The Gents are joined by author and creator of Roger Rabbit, Gary K. Wolf, as we discuss Gags in the Margins, the Wolf Clause, and this weekend's Northeast Comic-Con/Pop Culture Expo!
Read MoreClay, Josh & Dursin talk The Room, booze etiquette, Walking Dead and LEGO Land Discovery Zone!
Read MoreThe Gents talk Superior Iron Man #1, All-New Captain America #1 and Batman #36's awesome LEGO Variant cover (and the book, too.) Plus, a Free Kindle For a Little While, and when to use your debit card.
Discussed in the Episode:
Click on the covers above to buy from TFAW.com and help The League out!
Clay, John and Ttam Nisrud awaken from a nap to talk Marvel 75: From Pulp to Pop special, the new, Emo-Hulk, the new subtitle for Star Wars: Episode VII and... Biiiiiiirdman!
NOTE: Matt Dursin would like to apologize for mistakenly identifying the voice actor behind Roger Rabbit. The correct name is, of course, Charles Fleischer.
Discussed in this Episode:
Support Mega Ran's Kickstarter!
Clay, Jaush & Dursin return to talk Bruce Campbell, Rhode Island Comic-Con, Deathlok, Deathstroke and all of the movies.
Discussed in this Episode:
Voices by John Hunt, Matt Dursin and Jen Seaboyer
Happy Halloween from The League! Remember: life's no fun without a good scare!
The League's take on Steve Ditko's Strange Suspense Stories #19: Dead Right. The eccentric Mr. Mord has a weird hobby, and a cat Mephistopholes. This can't end well for our intrepid reporter.
Mr. Mord: Harmless Wierdo
John "The Hunter"
Matt Dur-sinner
Edited by them, too
Clay, Josh and Dursin return to talk about the big New York Comic-Con, upcoming Marvel mis-steps, the return of The Walking Dead and how to get people to listen to us by being bad.
Discussed in this Episode:
On the eve of Clay's b-day, he and Dursin get together to rap about Gotham, Ed Brubaker's The Fadeout, The Legendary Star-Lord and the hilarious leaked Deadpool test footage
Read MoreClay and Dursin are back to talk Daredevil, old Batman, Grant Morrison's Multiversity, True Detective news and The Dan Band!
Read MoreClay and Dursin talk Hawkeye, Jason Segel's "Nightmares!", Batman's various Future End books and Sushi Girls!
Read MoreJohn, Clay and Dursin begin the second centennial of The League by talking Original Sin, Angela, and Marvel heroes with pointy hair.
Thanks for John Siuntres' awesome congratulatory intro! Check out the inspirational Word Balloon Podcast. 9 Years running! Thanks to you!
Dr. Druid - with Cool Footie Pajamas!
Discussed in this Episode:
Rocket Raccoon #3
Click on the Covers above to buy from TFAW.com and help The League out
Sunday, Oct 05, 2014 8:00 PM EDT / doors @ 08:00 PM
MC Chris, MC Lars, Spose
at Middle East - Downstairs - Cambridge,MA
$13.00 - $15.00 Get Tickets >>
The Gents celebrate episode 200 with some reminiscing. Plus, the Dr. Who premiere, Marvel Live event and the Simpsons Marathon on FXX.
Episode 200 Mugs... for the camera.
Discussed in this Episode:
The Simpsons Marathon
Dr. Who
The Specials
The Awesome Escapades of the Abominable Playboy conclude as Metamorpho and friends wrap up Operation: Jealous Lover in astounding and fashion! Viva El Metamorpho!
Metamorpho #4 can be found in the pages of DC Showcase: Metamorpho - The Element Man Vol. 1. Click on the cover to buy it from Amazon and help The League out!
John Hunt
Matt Dursin
Stacey Rizoli
Ray O'Hare
And Jaush Lingel as The Mexican Guy
Edited By:
John Hunt
And Don't Forget our 200th Episode Celebration Movie Screening of The Specials! Saturday, August 23rd- Somerville Theater - 8:00 - Get there early to party with The League! FREE!
Sunday, Oct 05, 2014 8:00 PM EDT / doors @ 08:00 PM
MC Chris, MC Lars, Spose
at Middle East - Downstairs - Cambridge,MA
$13.00 - $15.00 Get Tickets >>
Show Notes
Boston Comic Con 2014
Music by RUN DMC
Dome from Sci-Fi Saturday Night!
Brian from New England Comics
John Barrowman (panel excerpt)
Khoi Pham (Marvel, DMC Makes Comics)
Tim Seeley (Hack Slash, Grayson, Revival, Sundowners) Talkin' Train Fights!
Tyler James of ComiXTribe
Joseph Schmalke with Calamitous Black Devils
Joe Martino with The Mighty Titan
Darryl Makes Comics - DMC of RUN DMC! Panel Excerpt
@DMCMakesComics Twitter
DMC Makes Comics on Facebook
Thanks to you!
To our new fans - thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, Oct 05, 2014 8:00 PM EDT / doors @ 08:00 PM
MC Chris, MC Lars, Spose
at Middle East - Downstairs - Cambridge,MA
$13.00 - $15.00 Get Tickets >>
The Gents gather to talk Guardians of the Galaxy, San Diego Comic-Con, and this amazing Stink Palm!
Discussed in this Episode:
Click on the images above to buy from Amazon.com and TFAW.com and help The League out! It's our dream!