League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast #199 - Boston Comic Con 2014 'Nuts to Butts'

LeaguePodcast #199 - Boston Comic Con 2014 'Nuts to Butts'
LeaguePodcast at Boston Comic Con 2014
LeaguePodcast #199

Show Notes
Boston Comic Con 2014
Music by RUN DMC

Dome from Sci-Fi Saturday Night!
Brian from New England Comics
John Barrowman (panel excerpt)
Khoi Pham (Marvel, DMC Makes Comics)
Tim Seeley (Hack Slash, Grayson, Revival, Sundowners) Talkin' Train Fights!
Tyler James of ComiXTribe
Joseph Schmalke with Calamitous Black Devils
Joe Martino with The Mighty Titan
Darryl Makes Comics - DMC of RUN DMC! Panel Excerpt
@DMCMakesComics Twitter
DMC Makes Comics on Facebook
Thanks to you!
To our new fans - thanks for stopping by!

L to R - Clay, Ming Doyle, Tim Seeley, Mike Norton, Nick Pitarra
Calamitous Black Devils
Broken Icon Comics
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Sunday, Oct 05, 2014 8:00 PM EDT / doors @ 08:00 PM
MC Chris, MC Lars, Spose
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