For our traditional Halloween movie this year, we picked a non-traditional one: Cary Grant’s Arsenic & Old Lace! So pull up a tombstone give it a listen. It’s pretty entertaining, and I wouldn’t stoop to telling a fib. Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!
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north by northwest, hitchcock, alfred hitchcock, cary grant, eva marie saint, NorthByNorthwest, ClassicMovies, Hitchcock, Podcast, FilmPodcast, MovieBuff, ClassicFilms, FilmHistory, AlfredHitchcock, CinemaClassics, FilmDiscussion, PodcastRecommendations, OldHollywood, MoviePodcast, FilmGeek, FilmReview, Hitchcockian, ThrillerMovies, VintageCinema, Cinephile, directors series
north by northwest, hitchcock, alfred hitchcock, cary grant, eva marie saint, NorthByNorthwest, ClassicMovies, Hitchcock, Podcast, FilmPodcast, MovieBuff, ClassicFilms, FilmHistory, AlfredHitchcock, CinemaClassics, FilmDiscussion, PodcastRecommendations, OldHollywood, MoviePodcast, FilmGeek, FilmReview, Hitchcockian, ThrillerMovies, VintageCinema, Cinephile, directors series
The Gents start a new endeavor with our Directors Series, kicking it off with Alfred Hitchcock’s classic North by Northwest, starring Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint and Abe Lincoln’s nose!
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north by northwest, hitchcock, alfred hitchcock, cary grant, eva marie saint, NorthByNorthwest, ClassicMovies, Hitchcock, Podcast, FilmPodcast, MovieBuff, ClassicFilms, FilmHistory, AlfredHitchcock, CinemaClassics, FilmDiscussion, PodcastRecommendations, OldHollywood, MoviePodcast, FilmGeek, FilmReview, Hitchcockian, ThrillerMovies, VintageCinema, Cinephile, directors series
We carry on our holiday tradition by taking on the Christmas classic The Bishop’s Wife. Listen as we discuss how Cary Grant moves in on David Niven’s woman, but in a good way! ‘Tis the season!
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