League Podcast Classic: Episode #55 Scott Pilgrim Release Party

League Podcast Classic: Episode #55 Scott Pilgrim Release Party

Clay and Dursin were invited to New England Comics Allston to cover their midnight release party of the latest Scott Pilgrim volume.  We talk Scott Pilgrim pre-movie, cupcakes and meet up with an old Abington chum. Relive the fun here!

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #197 - The Bi-Coastal Podcast

Jaush checks in from the Pacific Northwest to discuss Superman: Doomed, The Spider-Verse, Original Sin: The Tenth Realm, and some big news about Boston Comic Con!

Discussed in this Episode:

Spider-Man 2099 #1

Spider-Man 2099 #1

Grayson #1

Grayson #1

The Empty Man

The Empty Man

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #196 - Proud to be an 'Merican!

Clay, John & Dursin recount their encounters with 4th of July fireworks, and their rotten experiences in the boy scouts.  Plus, Rocket Raccoon #1, Starlord #1 and a great R2-D2 cake ruined.

Upside-down R2 isn't winning any bake-offs.

Upside-down R2 isn't winning any bake-offs.

Discussed in this Episode:

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #195 - Retroactive Hate

All four Gents rap about John Romita, Jr. & Geoff Johns on Superman, Robert Kirkman's Outcast, Transformers: Age of Extinction, DC's possibly sexist Pin-Up covers, and movies we retroactively hate.  Give it a listen, and maybe one day you may retroactively hate this podcast!

Discussed in this Episode:

Original Sin 3.1

Original Sin 3.1

Outcast #1 by Robert Kirkman

Outcast #1 by Robert Kirkman

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast #194 - Walker Stalker Con!

The Gents hit Walker Stalker Con: Boston and scored chats with Walking Dead cast members Jeff Kober, Nick Gomez and Travis Love, plus Walking Dead: The Game and Wolf Among Us voice actor Melissa Hutchison, and Comic Book Men Bryan Johnson and Ming Chen!  Plus, some weird zombie dude!  Check it out below!

The Gents prepare for the ZA!  (a.k.a. Zombie Apocalypse)


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Entertainment Earth


Welcome to Special Edition - LeaguePodcast #193.1 in association with @DigBoston! Starting this Friday and and ending on Independence Day, ImprovBoston is giving us an original sketch comedy revue show with musical guests and eve…

Welcome to Special Edition - LeaguePodcast #193.1 in association with @DigBoston!


Starting this Friday and and ending on Independence Day, ImprovBoston is giving us an original sketch comedy revue show with musical guests and even a few songs. Celebrating all the shaving bumps and concealed warts of this nation of ours — Comedy, America — takes ImprovBoston’s holiday themed sketch comedy series from the Old West to Disney and of course American presidents. Comedy writer and director of the show Allen McRae joins us to talk ceremonial turkey. 

Who are you and what are you doing? 

My name is Allen McRae. I am the head writer and director of Comedy, America — an all new sketch comedy revue being presented every Friday in June and also on the Fourth of July at ImprovBoston in Central Sq., Cambridge.



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Entertainment Earth

Oddio Comic #48 - Incredible Hulk #181 "And Now... The Wolverine!"

In the landmark Incredible Hulk #181, a monstrous Wendigo rampages through Canada, leading to a thrilling clash with the Hulk and the full debut of the soon-to-be iconic Wolverine. This action-packed story explores themes of morality and redemption, solidifying its place as a cornerstone of Marvel history and a must-read for any fan.

▶️ Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #190: Luke Th-kywalker

The Gents celebrate Star Wars Day with Episode VII casting news.  Plus, Amazing Spider-Man #1, Amazing Spider-Man 1.1 and Amazing Spider-Man II (whew).  Also, the best Free Comic Book Day EVER!

Thanks to YOU (re: everyone!) for coming out to the signing!  If you didn't get a copy of Robin Hood, you can get the Kindle version here or email us at freedback@leaguepodcast.com and maybe something can be arranged.  heh-heh.


Oddio Comic 47: Metamorpho #4 - The Awesome Escapades of the Abominable Playboy

It may be Marathon Monday here in Boston, but for us it's also Metamorpho Monday!  In this new Oddio Comic, The Element Man must survive Operation: Jealous Lover!  Viva El Metamorpho!

Metamorpho #4 can be found in DC Showcase: Metamorpho.  Click on the cover to buy from Amazon and help the League out!

John Hunt
Ray O'Hare
Matt Dursin
Clay N. Ferno
Josh Lingel
Stacey Rizoli

Edited by:
John Hunt

League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #187: A Very Special Leaguepodcast... with MC FRONTALOT

This week, on a very special League Podcast, Adam Rivera and MC Frontalot join us to talk about their post-PAX shows, the Star Wars "Machete Order," appearing in an issue of the Walking Dead, and Frontalot's awesome new merch, because that's what feeds the babies!


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