League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast #285 - Some Things Just Don't Happen

Dursin and Science Officer Clay are back to talk about NYCC and the Star Trek Experience aboard the U.S.S FLAGG (or Intrepid, or whatever). Plus, the finale of Marvel's Darth Vader, the return of Jessica Jones AND the Great Lakes Avengers, why Alex Trebek can shuck it, and Star Trek: TNG's best pals. ►Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #283 - Mockingbird Does it Again!

This week, we discuss Mockingbird re-visiting a storyline from 1987, with guest stars Paul & Storm! Plus, the new Batman video game dilemma, the people that you meet in Canada, and messing up Trump's hair. A veritable cornucopia of goodness! ►Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #280 - Words of Wisdom with George O'Connor

Clay and Dursin talk with George O'Connor, creator of Healed, which he also adapted into a film which is screening this weekend at the Brattle Theater in Cambridge as part of the Massachusetts Independent Film Festival. Even if you're not into comics, take a listen because that George is one positive guy! ►Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #278 - The Kevin Timeline

Clay, John and Dursin talk Star Trek: Beyond (which was good), Suicide Squad (which we heard was bad!), Moon Knight #5, Punisher #4, Kill or Be Killed #1 and how the awesome villain was in The Shadow►Play/Download Here

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League Podcast Oddio Classic - Incredible Hulk #159 - "Two Years Before the Abomination!"

Revisit one of our first Oddio Comics (before we knew they would be such a sensation!) as The Hulk must contend with Gen. "Thunderbolt" Ross (a.k.a. Ol' T-Bolt) as well as a time-displaced Abomination! Hear our take on all the smashing here!  

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