League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #266 - Eggs v Toast!

John, Clay and Dursin rip on the pile of poop that is Batman v Superman (a.k.a. Eggs v Toast). Spoilers abound, but if you haven't seen it yet... Don't. Plus, Daredevil: Season 2Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Blu-Ray and some Robin Hood news.  ►Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen "Force Awakens" Podcast Episode #255 - Cooking Socks

**SPOILER ALERT** Obi-Hunt Kenobi, Durma Feabi, Witter Hurtz and Anna Glyph discuss Star Wars: The Force Awakens, including goofy Adam Driver, weird-eyed alien lady, and wait, another Death Star? ► Play/Download Here

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