League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #38 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E07 - March Madness

League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #34 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E07 - March Madness

S6 E07 - Dursin and Clay are back with a new podcast: The Vampire Council, What We Do in the Shadows FX podcast!

March Madness

Laszlo and Nandor try to exorcise the demon who had possessed their neighbor Sean.

The Vampire Council podcast returns to discuss Season 6, Episode 7 of 'What We Do in the Shadows' titled 'March Madness.' Join Dursin and Clay N. Ferno for a recap of Sean's hilarious possession by a demon and Demon Jon Glaser's NCAA fetish. Guillermo is on a quest for an office identity with the help of Colin Robinson and a Cannon Capital fracas. Nadja ring-rings the banana phone, and Nandor contemplates revealing his feelings to The Guide with encouragement from his new TV buddy Charmaine! Don't look us in the eye, just come along with us for another episode celebrating the Final Season!

00:00 The Vampire Council Returns
01:21 Demonic Possession and Capital Strategies
03:10 March Madness and Sports Pools
07:52 Gimme Money - That's What I Want
15:19 Sean's Possession and Demon Summoning
24:17 Cannon Capital Office Dynamics
26:19 Colin Robinson Visits Cannon Capital 
29:26 Demon Extraction Gone Wrong
34:40 Guillermo's Finally Has A Thing
41:21 Sean's 5 Dollar Footlong
47:36 Nandor's macks on The Guide
50:06 Email us your Bats!


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Don’t forget your Vampire Council Fang Mask!

What We Do In the Shadows? Season 1
Starring Kayvan Novak,  Matt Berry,  Natasia Demetriou
Buy on Amazon

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