League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #519 - League Do-Over Part 1 - The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

The League tackles the original Manchrian Candidate from 1962, starring Frank Sinatra, Angela Lansbury and Janet Leigh. So go get yourself a drink or a tranqulizer, play some solitaire and enjoy the show!

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Leaguepodcast Do-Over Part 2 - The League Vs. The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)

The League returns to see what Tommy Crown is up to this time! We talk about the 1999 version of The Thomas Crown Affair and compare (and contrast!) it to the 1968 version. Does the glider scene still play? Is it cooler to steal art than rob a bank? Is Faye Dunaway a better therapist than insurance investigator, or chess player? Listen and find out!

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