League Podcast and Dig Boston Comics picks of the week for Wed. March 16, 2016
Hello, World!
COMICS Nice guy and superman Huck faces his past enemies in the latest Huck #5 from Mark Millar and Raphael Albuquerque. Bendis and Maleev have taken on Daredevil and deconstructed Moon Knight, now the team gives us a different look at Tony Stark with International Iron Man #1. Is Doom really his friend? How will Mary Jane fit into Stark Industries? Where is Pepper? ,,, Damn, Obadiah! Archer and Armstrong are back at it again with a new #1. This buddy cop comic between what can best be described as a Morman and his 7,000 year old drunk buddy is always a good time in A+A #1. ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.