LeaguePodcast The Vampire Council Episode #41 - What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E10 - The Promotion
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League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #41 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E10 - The Promotion
The Vampire Council Podcast: Season 6, Episode 10 – The Promotion
The vampires go to an office party to celebrate Guillermo's promotion.
The Vampire Council sinks their fangs into Season 6, Episode 10 of 'What We Do in the Shadows' titled 'The Promotion. It’s the ‘penultimate’ episode! Join Vampire Counselors Dursin and Clay N. Ferno as they discuss Guillermo's big night, Nadja's chaotic farewell, and The Monster's dancing skills. With only one episode left in the series, they speculate on the finale's possible twists and the fate of our beloved vampires. Plus, they reminisce about the show's beginnings, Jordan’s corporate antics, prosthetic heads, all from the comfort of their office chair! Toilet Now! Heat up some pizza rolls and get yourself a cocktail for the penultimate (question mark?) Vampire Council episode from LeaguePodcast!
Let us know at Bat at vampcouncil.com!
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00:00 Party Planning and Series Finale Tease
01:18 Reflecting on the Show's Journey
05:07 Discussing Spin-offs and Future Possibilities
11:04 Corporate Shenanigans and Guillermo's Promotion
21:29 Nadja's Corporate Exit and Monster's Struggles
37:17 Monster's Emotional Outburst
37:59 Colin's Humanity Nurturing
39:35 Gizmo's Speech Preparation
39:55 Avengers Comparison
41:38 Nadja's Scam Revelation
42:15 Monster's Protective Instinct
43:11 Guillermo's Confrontation with Jordan
46:27 Nandor's Defense of Guillermo
50:37 Speculations and Future Plans
01:12:39 Final Thoughts and Your Last Bat-Chance to be on the episode!
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