Velvet Templeton is taking the battle right into the heart of the agency's HQ but to what end? Your monthly dose of female lead espionage gets hot as HQ is on lockdown in Brubaker & Epting's Velvet #8. The Legendary Star-Lord #5 reveals the mysterious Black Vortex, can Peter keep the artifact under control? ... It's Sons of Bananarchy in The Humans #1! This ape-centric motor gang is coming to your town to replace your Dad's Easy Rider mags from the '70s. They don't call handlebars Ape-Hangers in this one! ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!
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League Podcast and Dig Boston Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. October 29, 2014

Deathlok #1
By Nathan Edmondson
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. cyborg star Deathlok gets a brand new #1 from spy-fi action writer Nathan Edmondson this week. We're looking forward to Nathan's take on this deadly Marvel mainstay! ... The disturbing look at a violent South returns in Southern Bastards #5 from angry Jasons Aaron and Latour returns to peek at the nasty history of the bastard Coach Boss ... Tim Seely's Sundowners #3 continues his "They Live!" meets Doom Patrol horror comic. ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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Tony S. Daniel has taken on Batman, Superman/Wonder Woman and the Flash! Who's next? Arrow villain Deathstroke in Deathstroke #1! With a new look, some amnesia and a road of many new missions ahead of him, the assassin will be facing some of the biggest challenges yet! Preview the book here. Bust out the Piña Colada mix, Guardians of The Galaxy Annual #1 welcomes a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier in space! Mark Millar and Goran Parlov's Duke, along with Space-Boy and the rebels face the Brotean regime in the final issue of this beautiful send off to Flash Gordon and Adam Strange. If you don't pick up Starlight Issue #6, get it in trade. ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!



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We're still getting to know the 12th Doctor on TV, but the results are in, Peter Capaldi is the Doctor of a new regeneration! This highly anticipated followup to the 10th and 11th Doctor series comes at you from Titan Books with Doctor Who (12th Doctor) #1. The Doctor and Clara face a mysterious alien fauna! ... One of our favorite sneak peaks from New York Comic Con was this new Dungeons and Dragons book, Legends of Baldurs Gate #1 written by Jim Zub (Skullkickers, Samurai Jack)! "Go for the eyes", said Boo, the miniature giant space hamster! ... It's ALMOST done. The penultimate issue of Superior Foes of Spider-Man, #16, hits the streets today. Artist Steve Lieber heads over to Valiant to Quantum and Woody after this! ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!
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Batgirl (2011-) #35
By Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher
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It's "that girl", Batgirl in hungover tales of moving to the "Somerville" of Gotham, Burnside. With a practical new outfit, and spending as much time in hipster coffee shops (RIP Sherman Cafe) as she does prowling the city at night, Babs adjusts to her new live in Burnside in Batgirl #35 ... Get to learn the true origin of Aric of Dacia - X-O Manowar in a new issue #0. See how brutal life was for this Visigoth in the Roman Empire! ... Tom Scioli is unleashing the weird and wonderful Jack Kirby via acid trip that is Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #3. Cybertron is under attack from the Joe team! This is intellectual property comics done sideways. .... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

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Gotham Academy #1
By Becky Cloonan, Brendan Fletcher
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It's a great week for ladies being represented in comics! Our number one pick of the week is the third-wave Bat-Family book Gotham Adademy #1 The prep school uniform is your new favorite cosplay to rival Hogwarts! ... "We're not worthy, we're not worthy..." to pick up the hammer but someone else is, in the new Thor #1. Jason Aaron's run continues and a new female Thor is revealed! ... NYT best selling author Patricia Briggs' urban fantasy series Mercy Thompson #1, featuring a shapeshifting coyote, comes to comics. This Mercy story is set in official continuity with a brand new storyline! ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

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League Podcast and DigBoston Comic Book Picks for Wed. September 24, 2014





Yo Joe! Scarlett is the one taking on leadership duties in the Joes in a brand new number G.I. Joe #1 - written by British NYT best selling author Karen Traviss. The ladies finally take over America's Elite Fighting Force! ... Future's End has been kind of a crapshoot, but events in The Flash storyline, where Barry meets his future self in the Speed Force comes to a head in The Flash Future's End #1. ... G-G-G-Ghosts! IDW ends it's amazing Ghostbuster's run at issue #20. To celebrate, the League is giving a pair of tix to MC Chris' All Ages Ghost Hunter tour at Middle East on Sunday 10/5. Hit up feedback@leaguepodcast.com with your favorite Ghostbuster for a chance to win! ... Picks this week from the Unflappable LeaguePodcast.com!

Ghostbusters (2013-) #20
By Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening
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By Gilbert Hernandez
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Gail Simone and Jim Calafiore (Secret Six) Kickstarted a dream, but for the citizens of Megalopolis it is a nightmare. Leaving Megalopolis shows what happens when the good heroes turn on the people they were sworn to protect. Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets) delivers a punk rock sequel to last year's Marble Season with Bumperhead from Drawn and Quarterly. It's a story of growing up in the magical way only an Hernandez can illustrate, brilliant coming-of-age stuff with a flavor of 80s punk culture in LA. Verily, celebrate the final, 25th issue of a legendary Thor run with Jason Aaron's Thor God of Thunder featuring the origin of Malekith the Accursed! ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com! Find All-New Marvel Now at TFAW.com! HalloweenCostumes.com SuperHeroStuff - Shop Now! Give your iPhone case some style at Swanky Press Entertainment Earth

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League Podcast & DigBoston Comics Picks Of The Week For September 10, 2014


Trust the Doctor as he makes his way to a recession-hit paradise planet. 11 takes on a corporate theme park world with evil mascots and ecological destruction. Sound familiar? Matt Smith is still alive Doctor Who 11th Doctor #2! ... Paul Tobin takes us back to the mystery of the Prometheus voyage to LV-223 for the first time since the motion picture in this mini-series from Dark Horse, Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1. ... It's the comic book you wish you thought of! Teen Dog from Boom! Studios tackles being a teenager from the eyes of your best friend, a pizza loving backpack wearing sunglass donning Teen Dog #1. Eat my shorts! Picks this week from the time shifting LeaguePodcast.com.
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League Podcast and DigBoston Comics Picks of the week for Wed September 3, 2014

The Wrenchies
By Farel Dalrymple
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Trifecta Editions artist Farel Dalrymple (Pop Gun War/Prophet) has a new book for us in an original graphic novel called The Wrenchies from First Second Books. The Wrenchies face the oppressive Shadowsmen in this demented future dealing with the uncertainly of growing older. ... Michael Avon Oeming (Powers) has quietly been releasing a fun and exciting team book over at Dark Horse and today The Victories comes to an end at issue #15. The future of mankind is at stake in this exciting conclusion. ... Moon Knight starts a new chapter with Brian Wood (DMZ, Star Wars) taking the reigns where Warren Ellis left off. Declan Shavley still on art for this breakout book of the year in Moon Knight #7. ... Picks this week from the Unflappable LeaguePodcast.com.
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League Podcast and DigBoston Comic Book Picks of the Week for Wed. August 20, 2014



One of Image Comic's titular super characters is being sought after by sleuth reporter Diane Dane. Supreme: Blue Rose #2 from Warren Ellis and Tula Lotay is beautiful and strange as she tackles the universe itself. ... Following up the hit Phonogram is McKelvie and Gillen's Wicked and Devine #3. Bust out the Sisters of Mercy for this underground goth explosion. ... Justice, Inc. #1 teams up The Shadow, Doc Savage and The Avenger for a pulp team up 75 years in the making written by Michael Uslan, producer of the Batman films! Join LeaguePodcast this SAT 8/23 for their free 200th episode film screening of The Specials at Somerville Theatre. Limited Seats available with RSVP, and it's free!

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League Podcast and DigBoston Comic Book Picks of the Week August 13, 2014


Yo Joe! SHHHHH....The Silent Interlude is one of the most defining stories in G.I. Joe history. Rushed to a deadline, Larry Hama completed this Snake Eyes story by skipping the lettering step in March of 1984. The deluxe edition 30th Anniversary edition of G.I. Joe #21 quietly glides into shelves today! ... One of the Guardian's of the Galaxy writers Dan Abnett unleashes a mysterious hellspawn onto a medieval Europe with Dark Ages #1 from Dark Horse. ... The Turtles have a good weekend ahead of them so check out TMNT Annual 2014 from original creator Kevin Eastman! ...Picks this week from the Guardians of LeaguePodcast.com.
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League Podcast and Dig Boston Comics Picks of the Week August 6, 2014


Nathan Edmondson broke the story of Splinter Cell: Echoes #2 on last year's Dig interview, and issue #2 is out today! Sneak up on Sam Fisher from behind the comic shelves! ... Moon Knight #6 concludes Warren Ellis and Declan Shavley's memorable run on the hooded detective. Don't miss out on the madness! ... Aw, Yeah Titans! Billy takes center stage as Shazam in Tiny Titans Return To The Treehouse #3 - the comic for the ages. All Ages that is. True Story! Picks this week from the Superoir LeaguePodcast.com.
Find All-New Marvel Now at TFAW.com! HalloweenCostumes.com SuperHeroStuff - Shop Now! Give your iPhone case some style at Swanky Press Entertainment Earth

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League Podcast and Dig Boston Picks of the Week July 24, 2014





Tom Scioli mixes elements of Kirby's Fourth World to bring us the ridiculous throwback comic that is Transformers vs. G.I.Joe #1, Space War I! Yo Joe! ... Vic Frankenstein and iGOR (interactive Garage Operations Robot) take on the vampire car Cadillacula in Monster Motors! Spark plugs fly in this vehicular horrorcide One-Shot. ... The 11th Doctor is back in a new ongoing series Doctor Who 11th #1 from new rights holder Titan Books (UK). Bowties and the All-New LeaguePodcast.com are cool.

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League Podcast & Dig Boston Comics Picks of the Week July 16, 2014





Our pal Ben Templesmith releases Squidder #1 from IDW for all of your tentacle needs! You remember him from 44 Flood Kickstarter, right? ... The Supers may be saving our asses from harm but their blood may hold the cure for cancer. An undertaker is convinced to help out his delinquent brother to get superhuman DNA in Black Market #1 from Frank J. Barberie and Victor Santos at Boom! ... "Trust me, I'm The Doctor", Star Trek's medical all-stars are in ST: Flesh and Stone one shot focussing on Starfleet Medical from McCoy to Crusher and EMH! ... Picks this week from the All-New LeaguePodcast.com.

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Squidder #1
By Ben Templesmith

League Podcast and DigBoston Comic Picks of the Week for July 8, 2014


Poyo! If you aren't reading Chew, you've got an eating disorder! The kick-ass kung-fu warrior chicken Poyo is here in his own #1 from Layman and Guillory! ... The Life After #1 from Oni peeks into the after-life and beyond. Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov of Ultimate FF fame. ... Rick Remender's tale of Bucky in the Cold War, Winter Soldier #5 wraps up today, recommended for James Bond and train fight fans! Picks from the all new LeaguePodcast.com Dot Now!

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LeaguePodcast and DigBoston Comics Picks of the Week for July 2, 2014


"Hooked on a feeling...", Oh man, Guardians of the Galaxy is gonna be so good! Star Lord (played by Chris Pratt) stars in his own book Legendary Star Lord #1 written by newly minted exclusive Marvel writer Sam Humphries (The Ultimates, Uncanny X-Force). ... Continuing the tradition of Zero Issues for these books, Magnus: Robot Fighter #0 hits stands starring Leeja: Human Hunter! ... Your move, creep! If you weren't satisfied with the Robocop Reboot last summer, this is the book for you! Joshua Williamson writes what happens after Murphy and Lewis clean up Old Detroit in Robocop 2014 #1. Picks from the all new LeaguePodcast.com Dot Now!

LeaguePodcast and DigBoston Comics Picks of the Week for June 25, 2014


Colt City is having a rash of murders and our pulp hero Black Beetle is the only one that can stop them! The followup series Black Beetle: Necrologue #1 starts today from Francesco Francavilla. Pick up many copies, this will sell out! ... IDW combines Ben 10, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Laboratory into one Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #1! The Crossover that should never be (guest starring Ed, Edd and Eddy! ... Master Alan Davis writes and draws the green Banner Monster in Savage Hulk #1! ... Picks from the All-New LeaguePodcast.com!

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