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League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #36 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E05 - Nandor's Army

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Vampire Council Episode #36 - What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E5 - Nandor's Army LeaguePodcast

League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #36 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S6 E05 - Nandor’s Army

S6 E05 - Dursin and Clay are back with a new podcast: The Vampire Council, What We Do in the Shadows FX podcast!

Nandor’s Army

The vampires are sent on a mission to New Hampshire to retrieve Nandor, who has lost his mind.

The Vampire Council podcast returns discussing Season 6, Episode 5 of 'What We Do in the Shadows' titled 'Nandor's Army.' Dursin and Clay N. Ferno analyze the episode where Nandor assembles an actual army of mannequins, concubines, and shirt pins to prepare for battle, only to reveal his unexpected general skills. Plus, the love story continues as Guillermo and Nandor work through their issues, and Laszlo and Nadja do the Speedball Special in a sleepy New Hamp-shire hollow. FMJ (1987) and Apocalypse, Now references aside, we're treated to a special trippy Matt Berry version of the "You're Dead" theme to kick off shadows and light, baby!

00:00 Introduction and Greetings
02:00 Pretty Woman and Commisioner Gordon in The Agency
08:03 Episode Breakdown: Nandor's Army
14:39 Journey to New Hamp-shire
23:03 Laszlo's Secret Plan
28:19 The Fireworks Distraction
41:30 Final Thoughts - send us an email to bat@vampcouncil.com





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Don’t forget your Vampire Council Fang Mask!

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