League Podcast and Dig Boston Comic Book Picks of the Week Wed. April 13, 2016

If you enjoyed a Blu-ray or Digital copy this weekend of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, you know that C-3PO has a red arm. Here is that arm’s story in C-3PO ONE SHOT written by James Robinson and art by Tony Harris (legendary Starman team).

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League Podcast and Dig Boston Comics picks of the week for Wed. March 16, 2016

Nice guy and superman Huck faces his past enemies in the latest Huck #5 from Mark Millar and Raphael Albuquerque. Bendis and Maleev have taken on Daredevil and deconstructed Moon Knight, now the team gives us a different look at Tony Stark with International Iron Man #1. Is Doom really his friend?

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